Designing a reciprocal exchange service for a good and engaged senior life
The technological solution is a state-of-the-art advancement of enabling ICT interfaces for mobile formats and tools supporting social innovation. The Give&Take service offers a platform for knowledge and experience transfer by making skills and competencies visible in local communities. Target users are seniors in their early seniority, currently often in the transition and void between an active work life and retirement. Intensive end-user participation is ensured throughout the project’s duration through a mixed methods approach, including ethnographic techniques of observations and interviews, focus groups, cultural probes, LivingLabs and Open Community Labs taking place in both Denmark and Austria. The business model foresees revenue derived from marketing the platform to business partners, who aim to engage senior citizens. Customers are partners interested in hosting or sponsoring a service exchange platform through which they can invite citizens to engage in service exchange activities against a license fee.