The Inspiration project will apply state of the art development processes. The coordinator YouPers with u-sentric and its associated experienced development partners, will introduce its user centred design approach to guide the team through the requirements phase, the design and development of the system, the integration including the first informal usability tests and optimisations and finally the field trials and evaluation procedures. End-users will be involved in Switzerland and Belgium through our local consortium partners terzStiftung and Alternatif VZW.
In this process, special care is given to a unified and intuitive user interface (UI) that appeals to people who are not familiar with technology. It also provides them the functionality, which is relevant in their current context (context-sensitive UI).
The project develops complex, distributed and connected software components running as apps on the mobile phone and as high level enterprise applications on the services servers.

The goal of INSPIRATION is it to help older adults living a healthier life to stay mentally and physically fit. Our digital coach will motivate them to be active – every day!
INSPIRATION provides health tips and motivates to perform recurring movement exercises. A daily planner schedules activities and also integrates health tips into shopping lists. Activities are recorded and displayed in a health agenda, where reading rights can be granted to relatives, friends and caregivers. Pressing the done button and the awareness of the performed activities become the main motivators.
Expected results and impact
INSPIRATION will deliver a comprehensive working prototype for mobile applications, which will be validated with end-users in Switzerland and Belgium.
The systems main results will be: (1) a unified and intuitive user interface that appeals to people who are not familiar with technology, (2) provision of content regarding daily live activities and nutrition, (3) provision of inspiration management including agendas and reminders and (4) basic information for third partners to display health status for caregivers and friends.
Partners involved in the INSPIRATION project
- Project name: INSPIRATION
- Website:
- Coordinator: YouPers AG
- Duration: 36 Months
- Starting Date: 01.08.2013
- Total budget: € 2.749.960,00
- Public contribution: € 1.457.480,00
Urs Baumeler
T.: +41 79 479 72 56