MOBILE.OLD uses an Internet-enabled TV and/or a Set-Top-Box solution, which will be the main user interface for the older persons, providing multimodal web-based user interfaces using the remote control for service navigation and advanced Text-To-Speech (TTS) solutions for audio announcements. Also a smartphone-solution using Android operating system, allowing on one hand for accessing the MOBILE.OLD services outside the home environment and on the other hand for offering advanced geofencing services will be used. The MOBILE.OLD consortium includes four partners who ensure the direct involvement of Austrian, Dutch, Spanish and Romanian elderly users throughout the project lifetime, including requirements collection phase of the projects, as well as the pilot trial activities that will take place at least twice during the project. The MOBILE.OLD services will be offered through the TV-Set over the public Internet or a smartphone by accessing the MOBILE.OLD Application Server.
The MOBILE.OLD project aims to provide a combined smartphone and TV-based service infrastructure with residential and outdoor services that will be delivered in a highly personalised and intuitive way and will advance the mobility of older persons. The services including information service for assisting mobility, travel and transport service, services for cognitive impaired people and physical and mobility training services, will be provided in a cost-effective way – aiming at independent living and sustained mobility, reinforcing activation, maintaining the health status, providing cognitive benefits.
Expected results and impact

- The MOBILE.OLD set of personalised services with intelligent multimodal and highly adaptive interfaces, which will enable older persons to live independently advancing the quality of mobility in their life.
- MOBILE.OLD pre-product prototype based on collected User/Technological Requirements and performed trials at pilot sites by involving older persons as end-user.
- The business plan for the commercialisation of the MOBILE.OLD services at the end of the project.
Partners involved in the MOBILE.OLD project
- Project name: MOBILE.OLD – Residential & outdoor services advancing the mobility of older persons
- Website:
- Coordinator: LIFEtool gemeinnuetzige GmbH
- Duration: 24 Months
- Starting Date: 01.06.2012
- Total budget: € 2.497.725,00
- Public contribution: € 1.471.220,20
Isabel Karlhuber
T.: +43 (0) 732 99 70 56 – 5212