The functionalities of the ROSETTA system can be summarised as:
- Monitor activities of elderly persons with sensors.
- Generate alarm when unexpected/deviant (in)activity are predicted or detected (for example a fall).
- Generate warning when longer term deviations from the personal behaviour are detected.
- Support the elderly in carrying out daily and recreational activities.
The ROSETTA system will be designed, pretested and evaluated in field trials with users (elderly people with dementia and their (in)formal carers) in three countries: Belgium, Germany and The Netherlands. The evaluation will focus on:
- User friendliness and usefulness of the system.
- Impact of the system on the autonomy, quality of life and delay of nursing home admission of elderly people with chronic disabilities, and burden and feelings of competence of their informal
A business model will be developed to implement the developed ROSETTA system in regular care arrangements for elderly people with progressive chronic disabilities.

The objective of ROSETTA is to help community dwelling people with progressive chronic disabilities, such as Alzheimer’s Disease, to retain their autonomy and quality of life as much as possible and to support their (in)formal carers by developing and providing an ICT system that offers activity guidance and awareness services for independent living.
Expected results and impact
The proposed project ROSETTA focuses on the prevention, early detection and efficient management of treatable psychosocial and physical consequences of chronic diseases that are accompanied by progressive cognitive decline and an increased risk of straying and falling during the advanced stages of the disease.
ROSETTA will provide benefits for end-users:
- Increased ability to perform the activities of daily living and to maintain self-sufficiency for a longer period of time;
- A feeling of safety in one’s own home for a longer period of time;
- Improvement of the quality of life;
- Prevention of overload of the caregiver and as a result prevention of burn-out;
- Early detection of deviations in the patients’ behaviour.
Partners involved in the Rosetta project
- Project name: Rosetta Guidance and Awareness Services for Independent Living
- Website:
- Coordinator: TBO, The Netherlands
- Duration: 36 Months
- Starting Date: 01.06.2009
- Total budget: € 3.273.350
- Public contribution: € 2.232.418
Dr. I.P. Karkowski
T.: +31 (0)88 866 11 02