SENIORENGAGE will provide a practical networking platform which seniors and new professionals may network with each other, and which comprises the following:
- RetiredProf System: This module will allow retired seniors to continue to their professions through shared knowledge, becoming mentors of young professionals and guiding them through the challenges of their career.
- ProfBuddies: Retired seniors of a certain professional area will be able to interact and network with each other, through the use of groups, message boards, instant messaging and a variety of Web 2.0 features.
- SeniorConsult: Older adults prior to retirement will be able to provide their advice to businesses or non-profit organisations in need of answers to simple question. In this way, professional seniors will be able to provide support to younger ones, contributing to their sense of self-worth.

SENIORENGAGE addresses the need to help retired senior professionals retain their sense of self-worth and continue to participate in society in the post-retirement years by developing network of online knowledge sharing and community.
The aim of the SENIORENGAGE project is to become a driving force in combating exclusion and depression in the retired individual by providing a platform in which he or she can continue to feel useful and improve feelings of self-worth, helping reduce isolation and encourage active engagement in community regardless of physical health.
Expected results and impact
The main result of SeniorEngage project is to provide a tool by which seniors and new professionals may network with each other using the latest Web 2.0 and social networking tools in a single online destination.
The technology will be available for post R&D best practice dissemination through the use of the projects’ case studies. The objective market is retired elderly professionals in Europe. Several contacts have taken place among the SME partners of the consortium and senior citizen organisations, who see a huge potential benefit in the product with regard to adapting the software to suit their own needs.