THCS launches second Joint Transnational Call (JTC) for innovative health and care proposals

The European Partnership on Transforming Health and Care Systems (THCS) has announced the launch of its second Joint Transnational Call (JTC), aimed at driving innovation in health and care services across Europe and its partner countries. With more than 30 funding agencies participating and an indicative budget exceeding 34 million euros, this initiative underscores a collective commitment to revolutionising health and care systems in Europe.

The focus of this JTC, titled “Innovate to Prevent: Personalised Prevention in Health and Care Services,” is to foster the implementation of innovative, person-centred health and care models that prioritise prevention strategies. Leveraging existing IT and digital technologies and services, along with emerging data, the goal is to tailor preventive measures to individuals’ needs, thereby enhancing the quality, efficiency, equity, and sustainability of health and care systems.

Important dates for prospective applicants include the deadline for obligatory Intent to Apply submission on April 16, 2024, with the final proposal submission deadline set for May 14, 2024. Coordinators have until August 26, 2024, to submit rebuttal letters, after which the proposals will undergo ethical evaluation.

The review process will culminate in a PRP Meeting scheduled for September 9-11, 2024, followed by the ethical evaluation of selected proposals from September 16-27, 2024. Final funding recommendations are anticipated to be announced to applicants in October 2024, with the scientific commencement of funded projects expected by the end of 2024 or early 2025.

This JTC represents a significant opportunity for researchers and innovators, especially those previously involved in AAL projects looking to contribute to the transformation of health and care systems. With the aim of improving quality of life for citizens and patients while reducing the burden and costs on health services, AAL stakeholders are perfectly placed to apply.

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