European Week of Active Ageing 2022 – The Executive Summary

Welcome to this very special publication celebrating the European Week of Active Healthy Ageing 2022, held in the beautiful and historic city of Gdańsk. We hope to provide a valuable summary of the many views expressed, lessons learned and ideas exchanged during our time together and celebrate what was the last ever annual AAL gathering held 14 years after the program began.
As well as being the last event like this, EWAHA22 was also the first AAL conference back together again after the restrictions of the pandemic. How wonderful it was to be together in person after so long, particularly in such a beautiful setting, where we could meet as friends and colleagues with shared interests and common goals.
In short, the event was a glittering success and enormous praise should go to our conference hosts Fundacja Gdańska, who, along with the AAL team, managed to bring together a wonderful program of speakers and workshops, a fascinating exhibition, and a social program that proved a fitting finale to the AAL Programme.
An emotional opening ceremony was crowned by the presence of the legendary trade union leader, former president of Poland and Nobel Peace Prize winner Lech Wałęsa. It was held on the site of the old Gdańsk shipyards where so much history was made in the 1980s, and which is now home to the magnificent European Solidarity Centre, where we gathered on the first night.
We hope that you enjoyed this long journey with the AAL Programme and we hope to remain in contact with you.
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