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AAL projects deliver exciting healthy ageing products for the silver economy designed to improve quality of life for older people.
What is the Market Observatory?
To become the main reference source of trusted and high-quality information and data on the market of active and healthy ageing.
The Market Observatory will give stakeholders a better understanding of the available markets in the field of AAL at local and international levels by being their main source of market intelligence by:
- Monitoring the evolution of the ‘ICT for ageing well’ market, with a focus on the take-up of new solutions and potential users;
- Identifying the major market players, delivering important information on top consumer profiles, providing information about major investment-related developments such as IPOs, mergers and new entrants, in Europe and the world;
- Regularly comparing the evolution of the main European, Asian and American markets;
- Disseminating and sharing results with the community stakeholders
Market Observatory
Supporting healthy ageing projects, investors and users develop and successfully unite in the AAL community.
For a long time, the healthy ageing market that AAL allies with was considered a niche market that combined telecare, home automation and telehealth services mostly paid for by social services, care providers and hospitals.
However, it has become more than apparent in recent years that the market for independent living and healthy ageing has grown and continues to grow far beyond these boundaries. The following trends have caused this resurgence:
- A demographic shift which is seeing over 65s in Europe live far longer lives and creating new demand for independent living.
- Increasing costs of long-term care which is creating demand for services suitable for the elderly to live at home, paid for by consumer ‘out-of-pocket’ money rather than welfare or insurance.
- The availability of new technological solutions enabling new applications and services that cater to living longer, healthier lives through the Internet of Things.
Final Report
A study concerning a Market Observatory in the Active and Assisted Living Field

2018 AAL Market and Investment Report
A study prepared for the AAL Programme (Active and Assisted Living) by Technopolis Group.
The AAL Market and Investment Report was commissioned by the Ambient Assisted Living Association and aims to provide a consolidated view of the existing market and investment information in Europe for the AAL domain. It covers data relevant for AAL and related technologies including current status, trends and future perspective for opportunities in the European Union (EU) and where possible link those to innovation in the delivery of services.
Click here below to read the Executive Summary

Click here below to read the Full Report