
A wearable solution for gathering a urine sample will be developed to allow persons who suffer from incontinence or/and dementia the most possible mobility and independency and to protect their ...

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To get a urine sample for medical diagnosis is unworthy and painful for elderly who suffer from incontinence or/and dementia, because they are left alone for a long time on the toilet or because of applying a catheter. Ucollect will develop a comfortable and
wearable solution to collect urine with a notification function. At the end of the project, a tested prototype should be available. This solution will relief the daily routine of caregivers, will save time for other important tasks like emotional affection and will
support mobility and independency of the elderly. But most of all it will protect the dignity of affected persons.

Expected Results and Impact

A physical prototype including a sensor and an app will be developed and the proof of concept will be done. A business plan and a roadmap for the further development will be created, so that the product will come to market-ready in two additional years. The product will relief the caregivers in their strict schedules and reduce their bad feelings when leaving the elderly alone. It will support the autonomy of the elderly.


Partners involved in the project

Organization Type Country Website
Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences R&D Austria www.fhv.at
Brønderslev Municipality End Users Denmark
Texible GmbH SME Austria www.texible.at
LifeSense Group B.V. SME Netherlands www.lifesense-group.com
Archipel Zorggroep End User Netherlands www.archipelzorggroep.nl
  • Project name: Wearable and innovative solution to collect urine samples from senior citizens for health
    and care purposes (Ucollect)
  • Website: 
  • Coordinator: Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, Austria
  • Duration: 9 Months
  • Starting Date: 04/2021
  • Total budget: € 390 346
  • Public contribution:


Karin Trommelschläger

E.: Karin.trommelschlaeger@fhv.at

T.:  +43 5572 792 7307


FaceRehab involves all end-user groups throughout the project in order to really fulfill the needs and to understand the issues related to remote healthcare solutions for medical professionals. The ...

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FaceRehab will develop a solution for supporting facial rehabilitation exercises at home using technology as a mean to improve digital transformation of the health and care for people affected with Facial Paralysis. It will contribute to integrate actions of formal and informal carers using a common ICT-based solution by extending rehabilitation programs performed in hospital or clinical environments to the community setting. In particular, FaceRehab will address the need for technological solutions that monitor the realization of facial paralysis rehabilitation exercises at home. A need felt by patients, physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech therapists while undergoing a rehabilitation program.


Expected results and impact

FaceRehab expects to improve the quality of life (QoL) for primary end-users. The most important contribution to the QoL provided by FaceRehab solution is that it is addressing an often disregarded but prevalent problem of facial nerve paralysis. This consequence can be caused by an acute event like stroke, but it can also appear without an apparent cause. It has devastating consequences on self-esteem and causes self-isolation, physical issues (deglutition, corneal protection, dampening of noise) and mental disorders. The paralysis results in facial asymmetry that alters identity, ability to communicate, and effective expression of emotion. FaceRehab aims to develop a solution that can support better and quicker rehabilitation through exercises and bio-feedback at home, which will have a great impact on peoples’ lives.


Partners involved in the project

Organization Type Country Website
Instituto Pedro Nunes R&D Portugal www.ipn.pt
Centro de Medicina Fisica e Reabilitação - Fisioermesinde SME Portugal
ThinkDigital SME Portugal
Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu End User Spain
Rehazenter End User Luxembourg
  • Project name: Facial paralysis Rehabilitation at home (FaceRehab)
  • Website: http: //facerehab.las.ipn.pt
  • Coordinator: Instituto Pedro Nunes – IPN
  • Duration: 24 months
  • Starting Date: 01/05/2021
  • Total budget: 821 812, 5€
  • Public contribution: 681 906,25 €


João Quintas

E.: jquintas@ipn.pt

T.: +351239700933


The SI-FOOtWORK system will allow for the workers to focus on avoiding or reducing back pain. The uniqueness of the SI-FOOtWORK project lies in the combination of pressure monitoring in insoles, ...

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Objectives of the project

The aim of the project is to develop a personalized Smart Insole system FOr Older WORkers to reduce bacK pain (SI-FOOtWORK). The SI-FOOtWORK system will consist of an insole that, equipped with pressure sensors, can measure lifting workloads of older workers. By integrating state-of-the art low power technology the insole can wirelessly and ubiquitously communicate with an adaptable Artificial Intelligence (AI) lifting engine, that can evaluate lifting amounts and correctness. These immediate notifications will empower the user to avoid and stop problematic lifting situations, thus reducing the risk of developing back pains due to overexertion.

Expected results and outcome

SI-FOOtWORK will improve the quality of life for older persons by enabling them to retain their job function by correcting risk behaviours leading to back-pain, reducing sick days and optimising their general well-being. SI-FOOtWORK will develop and validate a robust, easy-to-use and cost-effective solution targeted older workers assisting them to prevent, mitigate and correct risk behaviours when lifting – leading to keeping workers active and healthy for longer time, thus contributing to the sustainability of social security and healthcare systems. A successful market introduction and exploitation of the SI-FOOtWORK technology will have strong impacts on growth of the European active and assisted living sector, employment and industrial competitiveness, specifically on the consortium SMEs.


Partners involved in the project

Organization Type Country Website
Technical University of Denmark R&D Denmark www.dtu.dk
Norwegian University of Science and Technology R&D Norway www.ntnu.no
Canary Technology Innovations SRL SME Romania www.canarytech.ro
Hoka Tæpper og Gulve End Users Denmark www.hokagulve.dk
Ana Aslan International Foundation End Users Romania www.anaaslanacademy.ro
  • Project name: Smart Insole system FOr Older WORkers to reduce bacK pain (SI-FOOtWORK)
  • Coordinator: Technical University of Denmark
  • Duration: 9 months
  • Starting Date: 01.03.2021.
  • Total budget: € 258,207
  • Public contribution:


Sarah Ruepp

E.: srru@fotonik.dtu.dk

T.: +45 45253627


The SENSE-GARDEN Home project starts where our previous project ended: 4 spaces were deployed in the test sites, and more than 50 users have experienced and acclaimed the concept offered by this ...

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Objective of the project

The Sense Garden Home project is a follow up of the previous SENSE-GARDEN project (AAL/Call2016/054-b/2017, implementation period June 2017 – November 2020) which was funded by AAL Programme , co-funded by the European Commission and National Funding Authorities of Norway, Belgium, Romania, and Portugal. Creating a Sense Garden experience with minimal resources in the comfort of the Person with dementia’s own cosy and safe environment, their home.

Expected Results and Impact

The main question answered in the previous SENSE-GARDEN was that we can use technological adaptive space, stimulating senses with music, images, smells, to be used as a therapy offered to older adults living with dementia to reduce the progression of the disease. The project used these immersive spaces, simulating images of mountains, music of singing birds, and forest aromas.
SENSE-GARDEN Home will be the commercialization track of these immersive experiences in the comfort of their own home and enjoying past long time memories with friends and family. Three countries are involved to attract European market interest.

Organization Type Country Website
e-Point SME Belgium www.e-point-the-electronic-point-of-care.com
Canarytech SME Romania www.canarytech.ro
Integro Sint Jan Berchmans Campus End User Belgium www.integrozorg.eu
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Bucharest End User Romania www.umfcd.ro
Norwegian University of Science and Technology R&D Norway www.ntnu.no
  • Project name: SENSE GARDEN HOME (SGH)
  • Coordinator: ePoint bv
  • Duration: 9 months
  • Starting Date:
  • Total budget: € 350.000
  • Public contribution:


Ronny Broekx

E: Ronny.Broekx@epoint.be





Recently the beneficial psychological and physiological effects of certain aromas, used in combination with light therapy, have been demonstrated scientifically and shown to be robust and ...

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The project will produce prototypes of a simple, wearable device, ALTO, that improves the wellbeing – both mental and physical – for users in the +65-year age segment. Restlessness, difficulties to sleep and a lack of energy are all prevalent feelings in the ageing population. The developed solution builds on proven, carefully researched benefits of the combination of light and aroma stimulation to increase the quality of life amongst its users and to positively influence relevant biomarkers. The objective of the project is to validate the interest for the concept/device in different markets and sales channels.

Expected results and impact

The expected project result is a validated concept with a tested prototype, and with the potential to be industrialised, approved for sales in Europe and commercialised. The solution can potentially add value to for a multitude of end-users and for different use cases related to the wellbeing of the +65 years old. It is estimated that the product can be introduced in the first market within 6 months of the completion of the project, and ultimately be easily available (OTC) in developed markets globally and by that define a new niche category within the self-care market: “personal space air/light enhancement”.


Partners involved in the project

Organization Type Country Website
Heveas SME Denmark www.heveas.com
Achilles SME Belgium www.achilles.be
Fundesalud End Users Spain www.fundesalud.es
National Cheng Kung University R&D Taiwan www.ncku.edu.tw
  • Project name: Aroma Light Therapy Organiser (ALTO)
  • Coordinator: Heveas ApS
  • Duration: 9 months
  • Starting Date: 03/2021
  • Total budget: € 282,305
  • Public contribution: € 202,305


Søren Jensen

E: ssj@heveas.com

T:+45 3699 1364


30 minutes daily exercise alleviates the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity etc., thus increasing the chance of a longer life with a higher quality of life. However, 30 minutes daily ...

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The purpose of the 4ME project is to initiate activities for Pan-European market deployment of the 4Mvideo E-sport cycling platform for seniors – a reminiscence and video based motivational system for exercising at home. The scope is three-fold: 1) provide scientific validation of the positive effect of using the 4Mvideo system at home; 2) acquire end user insights and establish business models and eco-systems for deployment in selected European countries and 3) build communities and engage in co-creation processes preparing for version 2.0 development of the system and Pan-European business model.

Expected Results and Impact:

The 4Mvideo platform contributes to the socio-economic challenge and as such has an important economic impact. The product strengthens the users physical condition and ties to their social network (personal bicycle videos being made by / with family and others as well as the social element of the solution, enabling remote training with others). Thus, the need for home care services are expected to be reduced or postponed. At the end of the project 4Mvideo will be commercially available in Spain, Norway and Denmark; 3 hospitals, 50+ end users and families will have tested the solution and provided input to version 2.0.

Project partners

Partners involved in the project

Organization Type Country Website
4Mvideo SME Denmark www.4mvideo.com
Sens Innovation R&D Denmark www.sens.dk
University Hospital of Copenhagen End Users Denmark www.regionsjaelland.dk/sundhed
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona End Users Spain https://inc.uab.cat
University Hospital Sagrat Cor End Users Spain www.hospitalarias.es
Stavanger University Hospital End Users Norway www.helse-stavanger.no/en
  • Project name: 4Mvideo E-sport cycling at home for rehabilitation and daily exercise (4ME)
  • Coordinator: 4mvideo
  • Website: https://4mvideo.dk/
  • Duration: 9 months
  • Starting Date:
  • Total budget: € 380,000
  • Public contribution:


Erik Johannsen

E.: ej@4mvideo.dk

T.: +45 2283 6040


mHealthINX users will be able to measure, assess, and elaborate on the personal stress level in a mobile and unobtrusive way. The system will indicate critical stress levels and suggest personalized ...

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Age-related decline of physical and cognitive abilities produces often stressful situations for older employees. Especially at an older age, occupational stress is a key risk factor for developing mental disorders or cardiovascular diseases. In recent years many Apps have emerged trying to tackle the topic but with the main problem of are lacking clinical evidence. Besides, they miss a holistic approach because they are not co-designed with the target group. In contrast to that, the mHealthINX solution will provide a user-friendly, coherent, and holistic solution for supporting older employees in occupational stress management and mental health provision.

Expected Results and Impact:

The mHealthINX solution will provide a user-friendly, coherent and holistic solution to support older employees in managing their stress level and in promoting their mental health. It will combine advantages of assessment using self-reported and objective bio signal-based measures with advantages of App- and VR-based interventions. The solution will prove its effectiveness in the field. The strong business- and end-user-oriented consortium, having access to various stakeholders, and the low-cost hardware design are promising factors for making the mHealthINX solution very fast attractive to the market.


Partners involved in the project

Organization Type Country Website
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH R&D Austria www.ait.ac.at/
Medical University of Vienna R&D Austria www.meduniwien.ac.at
mindcoa.ch GmbH SME Austria www.mindcoa.ch/
Creagy AG SME Switzerland www.creagy.ch/
ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences R&D Switzerland www.zhaw.ch
tanteLouise End Users Netherlands www.tantelouise.nl/
MedRecord B.V. SME Nertherlands www.medrecord.io/
GameSolutionsLab B.V. SME Netherlands www.gamesolutionslab.com/
terzStiftung End Users Switzerland www.terzstifung.ch
Ovos media gmbh SME Austria www.ovos.at
  • Project name: The mental Health eXperience; Indication – iNtervention – eXperience (mHealthINX)
  • Website: www.mhealthinx.eu
  • Coordinator: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
  • Duration: 36 months
  • Starting date: 03/2020
  • Total budget: € 2.900.000
  • Public contribution: € 1.800.000


Dr. Miroslav Sili

E.: miroslav.sili@ait.ac.at

T.: +43 50550 4801



The project aims at keeping as active as possible, socially and at work, people ageing with chronic conditions with disabling symptoms, as tremor that has a significant impact on the life of ...

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Jame wants to improve the quality of life of people ageing with chronic conditions, by integrating technology and design principles to alleviate symptoms; we mainly target hand tremor that has a significant impact especially in Parkinson’s disease. We propose a cool looking wearable device that is able both to identify and control hand tremor and to overcome the classical barriers of poor usability and acceptability of medical devices, due to their high stigmatizing nature. JAME is designed to help the patient act “normally”
thanks to the synergy between wearable sensors and artificial intelligence.

Expected Results and Impact:

The main expected result is the development of a device aimed at controlling disabling symptoms in patients with chronic conditions, able to overcome the classical barriers of poor usability and acceptability due to the highly stigmatizing nature of currently available
devices. Jame is expected to allow a user to become autonomous and to interact with people without feeling embarrassed of his/her own disease. After the end of the project, we expect to reach the market in 2 years.


Partners involved in the project

Organization Type Country Website
Università degli Studi di Trieste R&D Italy www.dia.units.it/
Feature Jam SME Italy www.featurejam.com
Foundation for the Study of Neuroprotection and Neuroplasticity R&D Romania www.roneuro.ro
Fundación de investigación HM Hospitales R&D Spain www.fundac ionhm.com/
BOONE End-User Belgium www.boone. be
Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico R&D Italy www.policlinico.mi.it
  • Project name: Combining biomedical technologies and design to control disabling symptoms in
    ageing people with chronic neurodegenerative diseases (JAME)
  • Website: https://jame.units.it
  • Coordinator: Università degli Studi di Trieste
  • Duration: 9 months
  • Starting date: 03/2020
  • Total budget: € 337,774
  • Public contribution: € 275,2438


Sara Renata Francesca Marceglia

E.: smarceglia@units.it

T.: +39 040 5583450


FORTO is a new tool allowing to (self)test the level of muscle fatigability as measure for intrinsic capacity and resilience. WHO states that an essential condition to achieve healthy ageing is a ...

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FORTO aims at developing a user-friendly device and supporting system for self-assessment of muscle fatigability in older persons. Early changes in health are difficult to assess as measurements that currently exist are insufficiently sensitive for changes. FORTO allows to identify small changes in intrinsic reserves. FORTO can be used for a variety of applications like acting as an early warning system for deterioration of the general health status long BEFORE it can be detected by other methods. FORTO can also be applied to monitor and detect delayed recovery in older patients when dismissed from the hospital (e.g. after acute infection or fracture).

Expected Results and Impact:

FORTO consists in a rubber bulb that can be wirelessly connected to a smartphone. The system will allow self-assessment of muscle fatigability by measuring the maximum force elderly people can apply and sustain until their handgrip strength drops to 50% of its maximum. Professional follow up is realized remotely through an app using the smartphone of the elderly person, which at the same time makes the system price effective and very user friendly.


Partners in the project

Organization Type Country Website
Vrije Universiteit Brussel R&D Belgium www.fria.research.vub.be
Instituto de Telecomunicacoes R&D Portugal www.it.pt/ITSites/Index/1
Radboud University Medical Center R&D The Netherlands www.radboudumc.nl
Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel Large Company Belgium www.uzbrussel.be
UNIWEB SME Belgium www.uniweb.eu
Ziekenhuisgroep Twente End Users The Netherlands www.zgt.nl
  • Project name: Developing a smart self-assessment “Fatigability in Outcomes to monitor Resilience Targets in Older persons” measurement system – FORTO
  • Website: www.forto-aal.eu
  • Coordinator: Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • Duration: 9 months
  • Starting date: 02/2020
  • Total budget: € 472.500
  • Public contribution: € 299.5700


Ivan Bautmans

E.: ivan.bautmans@vub.be



The CuARdian Angel 2 project builds on findings from earlier projects. It focuses on the use of advanced vehicle technology to help ageing drivers remain safely, comfortably and independently mobile. ...

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An increasing number of adults aged 55 and more can be found driving on European roads. Despite the correlation between ageing and physical and cognitive problems, most ageing people still like to drive. They require tailor-made solutions in order to keep on driving independently in a safe, comfortable and stress-less way. Maintaining mobile for a longer period of time has many advantages, such as maintaining independent, with an active life style and social life. The goal of the project is to develop and evaluate (innovative) services to support older adults to drive safe for a longer period of time.

Expected results and impact:

On the long term, the following societal impacts are expected:

  • To allow ageing car users to maintain mobile for a longer period of time, under safer conditions, by using tools that allow them to drive more comfortably and with less stress.
  • To provide stakeholders with a measurable basis to identify safe and unsafe behaviour, which can be used for different target groups.

Within the project we expect:

  • To develop close-to-marketable products (TRL 7 or 8) that provide the ageing drivers with the support they need or want.
  • To advance the ageing car user’s acceptance of the use of such systems
  • To trigger secondary and tertiary end-users in using the to-be developed tools.


Partners involved in the project

Organization Type Country Website
F2S2 Small enterprise Belgium www.f2s2.be
EURAG Austria End-Users Austria www.eurag.at
JESCO Auto Training School Small enterpirse Belgium www.jesco.be
KBO-PCOB End Users Netherlands www.kbo-pcob.nl
Paris Lodron University Salzburg University Austria www.uni-salzburg.nl
SD-insights Small enterprise Netherlands www.sd-insights.eu/en/
NEOS End Users Belgium www.neoszw.be
Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit Medium Enterprise Austria www.kfv.at
50PLUS End Users Austria www.seniorenbund.com/
  • Project name: CuARdian Angel 2  (CARA 2)
  • Website: https://www.cuardian-angel.eu/ 
  • Coordinator: F2S2
  • Duration: 18 months
  • Starting date: 12/2019
  • Total budget: € 1.630.000
  • Public contribution: € 1.000.000


Lars Akkermans

E.: Lars@F2S2.be

T.: 0032 495 27 06 18

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